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Deep tissue treatment is designed to relieve severe tension in the muscle and the connective tissue or fascia. This type of treatment focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Deep tissue treatment is often recommended for individuals who experience consistent pain, are involved in heavy physical activity (such as athletes), and patients who have sustained physical injury. It is not uncommon for receivers of deep tissue treatment to have their pain replaced with a new muscle ache for a day or two.
Deep tissue treatment is used to treat particular muscular-skeletal disorders and complaints and employs a dedicated set of techniques and strokes to achieve a measure of relief. Deep tissue treatment is applied to both the superficial and deep layers of muscles, fascia, and other structures.
What is Myofascial Release (MFR)?
Myofascial (pronounced Myo fashal ) is derived from the Latin words ‘myo’ for muscle and ‘fascia’ for band. Fascia, sometimes called connective tissue, is a 3D continuous web that extends without interruption from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. This network also provides the instant and continuous communication between each and every cell of our body. Fascia surrounds, infuses and protects every other tissue, tendon, muscle, bone, ligament and organ of the body. In healthy conditions the fascial system is relaxed and wavy in configuration. This provides a cushioning and supportive mechanism allowing us to move safely without restriction or pain. Collagen and elastin, fascias two main components, allow it to be very strong yet have a high degree of flexibility.
MFR is fast gaining recognition as the missing link in traditional healthcare. It has existed in various forms for many years. However, the treatment has recently gained influence due to scientific research and the use of electron microscopes. This research has enabled therapists to refine their work and to further understand the nature of the connective tissue and fascial system and the important role it plays in health.
Fascia can be described like a 3D sweater, when the fascial network is traumatised it is pulled and twisted out of alignment rather like a pull in the sweater. Therefore, if the fascia has tightened creating bands of tension three dimensionally throughout the body resulting in symptoms distant to the injury then all the appropriate localized treatments will produce limited or temporary results.
Therapists are taught to feel and stretch slowly into the fascial network. The MFR technique is very different to that of massaging muscles, tendons and the ligaments of the body. A time component also exists, coupled with the fluidity of the therapists hands in applying pressure and moving though each and every fascial restriction. The time element is a vital factor, the fascia cannot be forced as it will naturally meet that force in return. Hence the MFR therapist provides a sustained, gentle, pressure for a minimum of 90 to 120 seconds allowing the fascia to elongate naturally and return to its normal resting length restoring health and providing results that are both measurable and functional.
Myofascial Release Therapy is a specialised physical therapy that affects and releases the restrictions within the fascial network. Even though the patient may not feel much happening the experienced therapist can actually feel the fascial restrictions, where they go to and subsequently feels the release of those restrictions during the session.
At progressive Physiotherapy Ltd we have a number of therapists trained in this technique.
The above information is taken from MFR UK website