Or call us on 01235 821800 to find out how our dynamic tape treatments can help treat you.
What is Dynamic Tape? Dynamic Tape is a unique, strongly elastic tape developed by an Australian Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist which is used in the treatment of many sporting, musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Here at Progressive Physiotherapy we have been trained in the use of Dynamic tape for use with our patients.
What are the advantages of Dynamic Tape?
Dynamic Tape allows the wearer to move through full range of motion without limitation but with strong biomechanical assistance. Dynamic Tape can strongly assist or resist movement, facilitate or inhibit and offload tissue through full range of motion. This is only possible due to the highly elastic nature and four way stretch necessary when taping multi joint muscles or movements and performing complex, three-dimensional skills.How does the tape work?
In many cases the tape is applied in such a way that it mimics the action of the injured muscle or tendon. The tape is placed on the body with the muscle or joint in the shortened position and with stretch on the tape. As the muscle or joint lengthens, the tape is stretched further and thereby absorbs load just as a bungee cord decelerates the jumper, absorbing load. This reduces the eccentric work of the muscles.